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“胜利门”在各平台持续发酵 网友:是舆论的力量





1。 韩星郑俊英从“胜利门”中被牵扯出来,被曝出给女性下药并偷拍强奸女性,传播性爱视频等罪名。21日,郑俊英抵达首尔中广地方法院接受拘留前嫌疑人审问,承认所有嫌疑。他向在场记者阅读了自己的道歉信:“很抱歉,我犯下了无法原谅的罪,我承认所有嫌疑,会履行法院判决。”

2。 20日晚,韩国警方已经获取了歌手胜利,于2017年12月在菲律宾举办生日派对时,涉嫌进行性招待和性交易中介行为的证言,同时追加公开了涉嫌性招待相关的KaKaoTalk对话内容。

3。 20号白天,韩国官方通过胜利延期入伍的申请,以方便继续调查胜利案。

4。 “胜利门”不仅震动整个韩国甚至亚洲,更牵扯出十年悬而未决的张紫妍事件。


Via 澎湃新闻、韩联社、韩国政府官网请愿板


S.Korean authorities investigate K-Pop sex scandal under public pressure

South Korea‘s authorities launched investigations into a series of shocking sex scandals, which was considered “a victory for public opinion,” following the case involving former Big Bang member Seungri。



Via 微博

A large number of Asian fans closely followed news about the sex scandals and called for a thorough investigation both into the Seungri‘s prostitution case and a late Korean actress’ sexual abuse case。


South Korea‘s military recruitment agency said Wednesday that it has decided to accept a request by Seungri from boy band Big Bang to delay his military draft, which was originally scheduled for March 25, amid a probe into sex-for-favors allegations against him, the Yonhap News Agency reported。


Seungri, who is nicknamed South Korea‘s “Great Gatsby” for his lavish lifestyle, was charged with violating South Korea’s anti-prostitution laws。


Via Ins 外国网友:了不起的盖茨比和胜利最终都身败名裂,惨淡收场。

The related topics have made rounds on Asian social media for three months and sparked heated online discussion, with many urging the public not to tolerate Seungri‘s misconduct and his fans’ defense of him。


“Kick all such scum out of the entertainment industry,” an angry Chinese fan of the Big Bang who requested anonymity, told the Global Times on Wednesday, noting that she was disappointed to see the band being taken down by a series of scandals。 She also said thanks to the persistent and brave South Korean press, the police finally launched the investigation。


Actually, the scandal has rocked the music industry and hit entertainment stocks, which triggered Asian people to urge the retrial of the related sex abuse case of late Korean actress Jang Ja-Yeon in 2009。



via 韩国政府官网人们在韩国政府官网请愿板留言

A total of 679,398 South Korean residents petitioned South Korean government to extend the investigation period of Jang‘s case, as of press time, as the original term limit of public prosecution was expiring。


Jang committed suicide in 2009 at the age of 29, leaving behind notes revealing that she was forced by her agency to have sex with high-profile figures。 However, the prosecution did not charge prominent figures whose names appeared in her notes, which prompted criticism from the public。


“Compared to the outrage on the simmering sex scandal, the chilling truth for the public is the authorities‘ lack of action,” wrote a Korean netizen on Instagram。


Stunned by the public pressure, the South Korean government extended the investigation period of Jang‘s case to May, which a Japanese netizen described on Instagram as “a victory for public opinion。”



Via Ins 张紫妍案唯一目击者尹智吾的ins最新post:系统自动翻译的中文

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