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美国女子在沙特被剥夺监护权 因育儿方式太西化



BethanyVierra, a 32-year-old student and yoga teacher, moved to Saudi Arabia to teach at a university in 2011。 She recently divorced her Saudi husband, and sought custody of their four-year-old daughter。 But in July, the court concluded that she would not be a good parent。


“The mother is new to Islam, is a foreigner in this country, and continues to definitively embrace the customs and traditions of her upbringing。 We must avoid exposing(Zaina) to these customs and traditions, especially at this early age,” wrote Judge Abdul-Ellah ibn Mohammed al-Tuwaijri last month, in his ruling denying Vierra custody of her daughter。

上个月,法官Abdul-Ellah ibn Mohammed al-Tuwajri拒绝将监护权判给贝瑟尼,他在裁决中写道:“这位母亲是伊斯兰教的新人,是个外国人,并且肯定会继续遵从她从小就熟悉的习俗和传统。我们必须避免(让Zaina)也接触到这些习俗和传统,尤其是在她这么小的年纪。”

▲US mother ruled too Western by Saudi court will appeal(via CNN)

图 viaCNN

图 viaCNN


According to court documents, the judge accepted Ms Vierra’s ex-husband’s arguments that she was unfit to raise Zaina because she was a Westerner, and furthermore, because she ran her own business, a yoga studio, leaving her with little time to devote to her child。


He told the court that Ms Vierra, who is from Washington state but moved to the kingdom in 2011 to teach at a women’s university, did not speak Arabic well, and that she was an atheist。


He also submitted photos of her in a bikini, in yoga pants and with her hair uncovered— evidence of suspect or outright forbidden dress in a country that requires women to wear loose abayas in public。


▲Woman loses custody of daughter in Saudi Arabia after bikini photos shown to judge(viaIndependent)

图 viaNYT

图 viaNYT



Though he acknowledged his drug use, he accused her in court of giving him the drugs and of forcing him to say he was an atheist, both of which Ms Vierra denies。


“It’s videos versus male witnesses,” Ms Vierra said。“They wouldn’t in some cases even look at the evidence that I had。 It was just completely disregarded because he‘swore to God。’ It’s all been infuriating。”


▲Woman loses custody of daughter in Saudi Arabia after bikini photos shown to judge(viaIndependent)






中国无人驾驶收获机麦田收麦子 还用上北斗导航 校方回应女教师穿高跟鞋踢学生:旧视频被翻出