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托马斯库克就这样上了头条 留给英政府一个烂摊子


全球历史最悠久的旅行公司之一,托马斯库克集团(Thomas Cook Group)已立即开始强制性清算。随着所有航班和旅行的取消,预计全球将至少有60万人受到影响。

托马斯库克就这样上了头条 留给英政府一个烂摊子

Overburdened by a crippling$2.1 billion debt, one of the oldest and largest in the world entered compulsory liquidation after last-ditch efforts to negotiate restructuring failed。


The development comes after a tumultuous year for Thomas Cook。 Since May 2018, shares have fallen by more than 96% amid Brexit uncertainty and intense competition in the tourism sector。


The collapsed travel giant has a history dating back to 1841。 It had nearly 22,000 employees serving 19 million customers per year, running hotels, flights and cruises across 16 countries。


Via RT

Via Reuters

Via Reuters

The company said in a statement that its board“concluded that it had no choice but to take steps to enter into compulsory liquidation with immediate effect。”


Peter Fankhauser, Thomas Cook‘s chief executive, apologized to customers, employees, suppliers and partners。

Thomas Cook的首席执行官Peter Fankhauser向客户,员工,供应商和合作伙伴致歉。



Grant Shapps, the UK‘s secretary of state for transport, said in a statement that the government and CAA are“working round the clock” to help people affected by the collapse。

英国运输国务大臣Grant Shapps在一份声明中说,政府和民航局正在“昼夜不停地工作”,以帮助受这场崩溃影响的人们。

“Our contingency planning has helped acquire planes from across the world— some from as far away as Malaysia— and we have put hundreds of people in call centres and at airports,” he said。“But the task is enormous, the biggest peacetime repatriation in UK history。 So, there are bound to be problems and delays。 Please try to be understanding with the staff who are trying to assist in what is likely to be a very difficult time for them as well。”


Meanwhile Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab reassured British travelers that“in the worst-case scenario, the contingency planning is there to avoid people being stranded。”

外交大臣Dominic Raab向英国旅客保证,“在最坏的情况下,我们制定应急计划,避免人们被困。”


145亿美元市场和6人死亡 电子烟是救赎还是荼毒? 这国刚准备从颜色革命走出 会陷入新颜色革命吗?