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数据告诉你 上名校是否真有那么重要






你上哪个大学真有那么重要吗?(Via CNN)

而NBC News则引用研究数据分析,名校光环、名校教育、学生素质,哪个才是名校毕业生取得成功的决定性因素。


(Via NBC News)

文章指出,要回答这个问题相当复杂。而且,有钱家长花重金将子女送入名校,不仅仅为了名校的优质教育 ,还可能是为了在简历上填上名校的名字 。

Students from the University of Southern California, where Lori Loughlin, best known as Aunt Becky from “Full House,” and fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, sent their two daughters, can look forward to a starting salary of $62,000。

以饰演经典喜剧《欢乐满屋》中Becky姨妈一角而出名的女演员洛莉⋅路格林(Lori Loughlin)和她的设计师丈夫莫斯莫⋅吉安纳里(Mossimo Giannulli),以行贿手段,将两个女儿送入南加州大学。这所学校毕业生的起薪是62000美元。

And while graduates of Yale have an average starting salary of $68,300 — twice as much as the $32,000 average salary for graduates from Mississippi Valley State University — attending an elite college isn’t just about hoping to make a few thousand dollars.There’s a prestige that comes with adding an elite school name to a resume。 And it’s something that some of the world’s most influential people have in common。

而耶鲁大学的毕业生,平均起薪为68300美元,是密西西比河谷州立大学毕业生平均起薪32000美元的两倍。进入一所名校不仅在于有望多挣几千美元。在简历上填上一所精英学校的名字还带来声望。 世上许多举足轻重的大人物基本都拥有名校光环。

Does it even matter where you go to college? Here‘s what the data says。 (via NBC News)


(via NBC News)

此外,据阿肯色大学助理教授Jonathan Wai去年发表的一篇论文,《福布斯》杂志全球最具权力人物年度排行榜上,超过50%的女性和超过80%的男性都在精英学校接受过教育。达沃斯世界经济论坛上,90%的专家学者上的是精英学校,同时,参加达沃斯经济年会40%的公司首席执行官们,也就读的是精英学校。在《福布斯》亿万富豪排行榜上,超过40%上的是精英学校。

不过,Jonathan Wai教授也指出,这些精英人士能进入名校是靠较高的入学考试成绩。

“I think it’s important to remember that where someone gets into school is in part a function of how well they scored on the SAT or ACT, assuming they are not admitted via legacy or athletic status where they have lower than typical test scores, and they did not cheat on the test。 And studies have shown that the SAT and ACT predict success well after graduation,” Wai told NBC News。


Does it even matter where you go to college? Here‘s what the data says。 (via NBC News)


In most cases, as readers pointed out, students mostly make the college experience what it turns out to be in the long run of life。 There are plenty of failures at Harvard just as there are plenty of successes at Shenandoah University。


When it does matter where you go to college(via The Washington Post)

而此前有美媒的报道则认为,在 什么大学接受教育并不重要。


(Via Time)

This month, high school seniors across America are receiving college decision letters of acceptance and rejection。 Many of these students, and their parents, think that where they go to college will significantly affect their employment future。


They think wrong。 Today,

whetheryou go to college retains some importance in your employment options。 But

whereyou go to college is of almost no importance。 Whether your degree, for example, is from UCLA or from less prestigious Sonoma State matters far less than your academic performance and the skills you can show employers。


It Doesn‘t Matter Where You Go to College(via Time)


(Via Time)

对大学选择的影响的研究,都集中在比较不同大学毕业生的收入。 在1999年,经济学家Alan Krueger和Stacy Berg Dale发表了一份研究报告,比较了精英大学毕业生的收入和普通大学毕业生的收入。 后者的研究对象是那些被精英学校录取,但却最终因为某些原因去了另外一所普通大学的毕业生。

The economists found that the earnings of the two groups 20 years after graduation differed little or not at all。 A larger follow-up study, released in 2011 and covering 19,000 college graduates, reached a similar conclusion: whether you went to Penn or Penn State, Williams College or Miami University of Ohio, job outcomes were unaffected in terms of earnings。


Earnings are only part of the employment picture。 Other measures, like job satisfaction and social value, are more difficult to quantify。 In a thoughtful 2004 essay, the writer Gregg Easterbrook interviewed college officials throughout the country to assess these impacts。 His conclusion: on a range of measures of job satisfaction, attendance at an elite college had little impact。

收入只是整个就业蓝图的一部分。其他的衡量指标,像工作满意度,社会价值,更难用量化的标准来衡量。在2004年的一篇文章中,作者Gregg Easterbrook采访了美国各地大学相关负责人来评估这些影响因素。他的结论是:在一系列工作满意度的标准中,是否就读精英大学几乎没有影响。

It Doesn‘t Matter Where You Go to College(via Time)



@Michael Staton

Good news! Not at all。 Bad news: but yes, sort of。 Better news: your future is yours to forge and unleash, no matter where you go to college or even if you go to college。


@Mira Zaslove

Going to a top college can open some doors, but it won‘t keep them open。 Similarly, not going to a top college can close some doors, but it won’t keep them closed。


@Karan Sharma

A long time back i had received a great piece of advice。


“ In a battle, its not the sharpness of the blade that matters but the skill of the fighter”


@Haley Chen,

First of all, a big congrats! As a Golden Bear myself, Berkeley is a fantastic place to be that‘ll definitely open up a lot of opportunities for you。


To answer your question, the short answer is what you choose to study matters more than where you went to school in terms of being able to find a job。 For example, even though I go to Cal which should be on every Fortune 500 company‘s list, availability of job opportunities is not the same for everybody。



整合:Du Qiongfang

记者手记:埃航空难事发地前的凭吊 土耳其判处一名“伊斯兰国”成员七年半监禁