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赚数百万 在美经营赴美生子月子中心中国女子认罪


据美国媒体报道,在南加州地区经营“生育旅游”(birth tourism)生意、帮助中国客户赴美生子以获取美国公民身份的中国女子,日前对美国联邦刑事指控认罪。


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图 viaAP

据联邦检察官透露,41岁中国籍女子Li Dongyuan当地时间周二对联邦刑事指控认罪,罪行包括同谋移民及签证欺诈。

Li, who lived in Orange County,admitted in herplea agreementthatfrom 2013 until March 2015, she ran a“birth tourism” business inIrvineand in Chinacalled“You Win USA Vacation Services Corp,” investigators said, adding that the business would help pregnant women, typically fromChina, travel to and stay in the United States to give birth。

调查人员说,住在奥兰治县的Li Dongyuan在她的认罪协议中承认,从2013年到2015年3月,她在尔湾和中国经营的“生育旅游”公司名为“优孕美国月子度假会所”。调查人员补充说,这项业务帮助孕妇(通常来自中国)来美旅游并待在美国生孩子。

The Orange County-based“birth tourism” business catered to wealthy pregnant clientsand coached pregnant Chinese women on how to get into the United States to deliver babies so their children would get U.S。 citizenship。


Lirakedin millions through her business over the course of two years, where mothers-to-be paid between$40,000 and$80,000 each to come to California, stay in an upscale apartment and give birth, investigators said。 A January 2019federal grand juryindictment against Li said she used 20 apartments in Irvine to house pregnant clients。


“You Win” advertised that it had served more than 500 Chinese“birth tourism”customers, according to the indictment。


▲Chinese woman pleads guilty in California‘birth tourism’ scheme, prosecutors say(via Fox News)

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图 via VCG

Clients were coached on how to lie on visa applications, hide their pregnancies during customs checks and pass U.S。 consulate interviews in China。


▲California woman pleads guilty in‘birth tourism’ scheme(viaAP)

While it hasn’t been illegal to visit the United States while pregnant, investigators said the businessestouted the benefits of having U.S。-citizen babieswho could get free public education and, years later, help their parents immigrate。


As part of her plea agreement, Li agreed to forfeit over$850,000, a southern California home worth over$500,000 and several Mercedes-Benz vehicles, according to the U.S。 Attorney’s Office。


▲Chinese woman pleads guilty in California‘birth tourism’ scheme, prosecutors say(via Fox News)


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President Donald Trump said Wednesday he was looking“very seriously” at ending the right to citizenship for babies born to non-U.S。 citizens on American soil。


Trump spoke to reporters as he departed the White House for a speech in Louisville, Kentucky。 He said birthright citizenship was“frankly ridiculous。”


“We’re looking at it very, very seriously,” he said。


▲President Trump Again Claims He Can Abolish Birthright Citizenship– But Legal Precedent Isn‘t on His Side(via Time)

目前还没有确切的数据显示有多少外国女性专程前往美国生孩子。但据美国移民研究中心(Center for Immigration Studies)的估计,仅在2012年,约有3.6万名外国籍女性在美国分娩,然后离开了美国。

Places like Florida have seen in a boom in so-called“birth tourism。”


Every year,hundreds of pregnant Russian womentravel to the United States to give birth, paying from$20,000 to more than$50,000 to brokers who arrange their travel documents, accommodations and hospital stays。


Sizable numbers of women from China and Nigeria also come to the U.S。 for the same reason。


▲President Trump Again Claims He Can Abolish Birthright Citizenship– But Legal Precedent Isn‘t on His Side(via Time)


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