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First reported in the Daily Mail on Monday, UK prime minister Boris Johnson‘s alleged comments were supposedly made after he felt corralled into agreeing to a four-week lockdown in November, months after it was recommended by Sage scientists to curb soaring coronavirus cases。 He apparently warned he would never again back another national lockdown。

ITV reported source claims that the“let the bodies pile high”comments were shouted from an office in Downing Street after a crunch meeting with ministers, rather than during the meeting。





“What I certainly think is that this country has done an amazing job with the lockdowns。 And they’ve been very difficult。 And they’ve been very tough for people。 And there’s no question about that。



Fresh claims about Johnson are“not true” and a“comedy chapter” in an ongoing Westminster briefing war, a cabinet minister has told Sky News。

“We‘re getting into the sort of comedy chapter now of these gossip stories- unnamed sources by unnamed advisers talking about unnamed events。 None of this is serious。”





Dozens of grieving families took to social media to post pictures and memories of loved ones they lost saying they“were not a body”。

Amid growing anger over the alleged comments, Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner, said:“[Johnson has] degraded the office he holds with rampant and overwhelming sleaze。”

The Scottish National party said the prime minister should resign if it was proved that he made the remarks。 There have been suggestions that Dominic Cummings, Johnson‘s former top adviser, has taped evidence to back up claims he is poised to make when he gives evidence to MPs next month。




UK‘s COVID-19 death toll has surpassed 127,000 as of April 26, according to the latest data by Johns Hopkins University, the highest figure in Europe, and only next to the United States, Brazil, Mexico, and India。

Critics accused the UK Prime Minister of making many mistakes in tackling the pandemic, including reluctance to adopt lockdown measures at the start of the pandemic, which could have saved thousands of lives。



Dominic Cummings, Johnson‘s former top adviser, on Friday denied reports he leaked Johnson’s private communications over COVID-19 ventilators。 But he said in a blog on Friday he had told Johnson he thought his plans to have donors pay for the renovation were“unethical, foolish, possibly illegal。”

Johnson‘s office said the government had followed the rules over the refurbishment。

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