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Antony Blinken is the leading contender to become Joe Biden‘s nominee for secretary of state, according to multiple people familiar with the Biden team’s planning。

Advisers to the projected president-elect‘s transition have said they’ll make their first Cabinet announcements on Tuesday。





Blinken, 58, served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser during the Obama administration and has close ties with Biden。 If nominated and confirmed, he would be a leading force in the incoming administration‘s bid to reframe the U.S。 relationship with the rest of the world after four years in which President Donald Trump questioned longtime alliances。

A graduate of Harvard University and Columbia Law School and a longtime Democratic foreign policy presence, Blinken has aligned himself with numerous former senior national security officials who have called for a major reinvestment in American diplomacy and renewed emphasis on global engagement。

He served on the National Security Council during the Clinton administration before becoming staff director for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Biden was chair of the panel。 In the early years of the Obama administration, Blinken returned to the NSC and was then-Vice President Biden‘s national security adviser before he moved to the State Department to serve as deputy to Secretary of State John Kerry。





In nominating Blinken, Biden would sidestep potentially thorny issues that could have affected Senate confirmation for two other candidates on his short list to be America‘s top diplomat: Susan Rice and Sen。 Chris Coons。

Rice would have faced significant GOP opposition and likely rejection in the Senate。 She has long been a target of Republicans, including for statements she made after the deadly 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya。

Coons‘ departure from the Senate would have come as other Democratic senators are being considered for administrative posts and the party is hoping to win back the Senate。 Control hangs on the result of two runoff elections in Georgia in January。


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