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山火烧过来了 这座博物馆却不转移价值连城艺术品




美国加州洛杉矶,当地野火持续肆虐图 viaVCG

美国加州洛杉矶,当地野火持续肆虐图 viaVCG


图 viaTwitter

图 viaTwitter

We evacuated safely at 3:30 this morning。 If you are in an evacuation zone, don’t screw around。 Get out。 Right now I am grateful for the best firefighters in the world, the true action heroes who charge into the danger to protect their fellow Californians。



美国加州Santa Rosa,当地野火持续肆虐图 viaVCG

美国加州Santa Rosa,当地野火持续肆虐图 viaVCG

据《每日邮报》报道,过去两周爆发了至少9场山火,而最近爆发的一场山火更是逼近了位于洛杉矶、被誉为全美最美博物馆之一的盖蒂中心(Getty Center)博物馆。

Flames were seen raging along 405 Freeway near the Getty Center, which displays pre-20th century works of art by artists including Rembrandt and Van Gogh。


Its collections range from pre-20th century European paintings to Roman and Greek antiquities, tapestries, photographs and manuscripts。


▲Why California wildfires won‘t destroy Getty Center art: Inside the billion-dollar fortress protected by travertine stone-clad walls, crushed stone rooftops, million gallon underground water tank and even fire resistant acacia SHRUBS(via Daily Mail)

美国洛杉矶,保罗·盖蒂博物馆图 viaVCG

美国洛杉矶,保罗·盖蒂博物馆图 viaVCG

盖蒂博物馆是一座私人博物馆,于1997年开放,藏品最初来自美国盖蒂石油公司(Getty Oil Company)创始人、美国著名实业家、美国石油大亨保罗·盖蒂(J。 Paul Getty)丰富的艺术收藏。

The museum is home to over 125,000 separate objects in the museum collection, many of them masterpieces, museum spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said。 There‘s an additional 1.4 million volumes in the art library, including medieval manuscripts。 Many of the works of art are valued“ in the many tens of millions,” she said。


▲A wildfire is getting close to the Getty Museum。 Here‘s why they’re not moving the art(viaCNN)

盖蒂中心图 viaVCG

盖蒂中心图 viaVCG


The Getty Center, which comprises a museum, research institutes and a foundation, is home to a vast collection of paintings and photography。 But in wildfire-prone California, a museum has to have a plan– and officials say they’ve been preparing for this moment and are now putting that plan to the test。


▲How LA‘s Getty Center built a fire-proof fortress for priceless art(via The Guardian)

As flames encroach on the J。 Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the art inside is staying put。


The artwork in the J。 Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles is“considerably safer not being moved,” said museum spokeswoman Lisa Lapin, as thousands evacuated or lost power Monday because of wildfires raging in Southern California。


That‘s because the stone, concrete and steel building has state-of-the-art technology to protect itself。


“The safest place for the art and library collections is inside,” the museum said on Twitter。


The Getty was designed by architect Richard Meier with disaster situations like these wildfires and earthquakes in mind, Lapin said。


▲A wildfire is getting close to the Getty Museum。 Here‘s why they’re not moving the art(viaCNN)

Fires aren’t the only concern for a museum based in southern California。 The Getty has also pioneered techniques to keep objects safe from earthquakes, including special display cases and pedestals that move if the earth shakes。


▲How LA‘s Getty Center built a fire-proof fortress for priceless art(via The Guardian)

美国加州布伦特伍德,消防员在清理现场图 viaVCG

美国加州布伦特伍德,消防员在清理现场图 viaVCG


文:Du Qiongfang

资料:CNN, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Twitter


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