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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Monday he plans to speak with the U.S。 ambassador to the U.K。– and even raised the possibility of involving President Trump– after an American diplomat‘s wife involved in a deadly wrong-way crash fled Britain amid a debate about her diplomatic immunity。


During a visit to a hospital on Monday, Johnson told reporters he doesn‘t think it is right to“use the process of diplomatic immunity for this type of purpose。”


“I hope that Anne Sacoolas will come back and will engage properly with the processes of law as they are carried out in this country,” he said。


The prime minister said he planned to raise the issue with U.S。 Ambassador Woody Johnson on Monday and intended to go up the chain to President Trump if need be。


“I hope it will be resolved very shortly,” Johnson said。“If we can‘t resolve it then, of course, I will be raising it myself personally with the White House。”


▲Boris Johnson says Trump intervention possible in case of US diplomat‘s wife who fled UK after fatal crash(via foxnews)



But Harry‘s family’s lawyer, Radd Seiger, who is American, said the reality about waiving immunity“is the opposite” and called on a senior US representative to visit the family and explain to them“why you whisked a person who killed their son out overnight without telling anybody”。


He told Sky News:“There may be a good reason but the US are saying waivers are rarely granted。


“I‘ve looked at this very very closely and in my view the exact opposite is true。 You will struggle to find cases where waivers are not granted。


“So, not only do we not understand their position we are not accepting what they say, that waivers aren‘t granted。


“I have many examples of where they have sought waivers for their own country and they‘ve been granted。 There’s a degree of hypocrisy coming out here。”


▲Anne Sacoolas: Raab calls Pompeo over Harry Dunn fatal crash(via news.sky.com)



图 via news.sky.com

图 via news.sky.com

2003年安妮·萨科拉斯在婚礼当天拍摄的照片。图 vianews.sky.com

2003年安妮·萨科拉斯在婚礼当天拍摄的照片。图 vianews.sky.com



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