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印度官方登月还没开始 这位行为艺术家已火了一把


© Facebook/Baadal Nanjundaswamy

© Facebook/Baadal Nanjundaswamy

As India’s space agency prepares to make history by landing on the Moon later this week, many of the country’s citizenshave been left in stitchesafter footage of an apparent moonwalkwent viral。


© Facebook/ Baadal Nanjundaswamy

© Facebook/ Baadal Nanjundaswamy


Just days before India’s lunar mission Chandrayaan-2 touches down on the Moon’s south pole on September 7, Baadal Nanjundaswamy, a famous Indian street artist,stole all the headlineswith a wry takedown of the city council in Bengaluru。

探测器登陆月球南端定于9月7日,但是印度著名的街头行为艺术家巴达尔·南军达斯瓦米(Baadal Nanjundaswamy)已经成了各媒体头条,抢走了所有的风头。

Nanjundaswamy enlisted the help of theater actor and film star, Poornachandra Mysore, who helped stage atongue-in-cheek‘moonwalk’to highlight the pockmarked pavement plaguing the city’s streets。

在电影明星泼拿常德拉·摩梭尔 Poornachandra Mysore的帮助和协作下,这个让人捧腹大笑的“月球漫步”视频出炉了。印度街头坑坑洼洼的道路提供了“神助攻”。

At approximately 10pm local time on Saturday, Mysore donned a silver space suittailoredby a local costume designer and began his hike across the‘lunar surface。’


“The entire thing was shot on a mobile phone camera, no additional lights were used。 So naturally, I didn’t expect it to turn out the way it did,”Nanjundaswamy said, adding thatit cost approximately Rs 8000($111) to shoot the video。


The street artist was swamped with messages of praise online with many thanking and congratulating him on his“wonderful。。。 unique way of expressing our protest,”and“the creativity of this team for exposing the potholes in a very unique way。”


“Initially I thought ISRO sent a man to moon。 Nope。。。 It’s our Bengaluru Road。 Thanks for BBMP and Contractors,”wrote one fan。


Nanjundaswamy is well-known for similar stunts aimed at pressuring local politicians to do more to improve their constituencies。


In 2015, he planted a life-sized crocodile in a 12-feet-long pothole in north Bangalore in a stunt which ultimately forced officials to fix the gaping void。


印度官方登月还没开始 这位行为艺术家已火了一把

And in 2017, he turned a roadside crater into a fantasy scene, complete with a stunningmermaid。




在这个特殊的日子里 特朗普一句话雷翻了众人 美国得州枪击案枪手案发前丢工作 曾拨打报警电话