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“宠妻狂魔”脸书(Facebook)创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)最近又在社交媒体上撒狗粮秀恩爱了。

据外媒报道,脸书(Facebook)创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣称,他打造出一个会发光的木盒,可以帮助妻子普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan)晚上睡得更好。有了这个“睡眠盒”,普莉希拉就不用再半夜查看手机,看看是不是该起来照看孩子了。

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No, she doesn‘t sleep inside the box。 Placed on Chan’s nightstand, the device emits a“very faint light” between the hours of 6 to 7 a.m。 to let her know if it‘s time to get up。


If it‘s not lit, Chan will know it’s OK to fall back asleep。 This way, she won‘t have to check the time, which can be a stressor。


“As an engineer, building a device to help my partner sleep better is one of the best ways I can think of to express my love and gratitude,” Zuckerberg wrote。


▲Mark Zuckerberg says he invented a‘sleep box’ to improve his wife‘s slumber(via CNN)

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对于这项小发明,专业的医师也给予了肯定。密歇根大学行为睡眠医学项目的临床主任Deirdre Conroy告诉CNN,睡眠问题在新手父母中很普遍,而这个“睡眠盒”不仅能帮助到像普莉希拉这样的年轻父母们,还能惠及其他有睡眠问题的人。

“I think this idea‘s great because so often people with insomnia check their phones throughout the night,” Conroy said。“When you check the time, that triggers this whole stream of worries。。。 and it creates this sense of anxiety。”


She often recommends that patients with sleeping troubles avoid checking the clock during the night。


“Removing that cue for anxiety about how much time she has left to sleep could be helping her sleep through the night,” Conroy added。


Zuckerberg‘s simple creation could help others with sleep issues, as well。 About 30% of the population has some difficulty sleeping, Conroy said。


▲Mark Zuckerberg says he invented a‘sleep box’ to improve his wife‘s slumber(via CNN)

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