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而引领这一时尚的是韩国一位电视新闻女主播任铉珠(Yim Hyun-ju)。


(Via MBC News/YouTube/Business Insider)

When South Korean news anchor Yim Hyun-ju got into work on 12 April 2018, she ditched her false eyelashes and contact lenses for glasses, and social media exploded。


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)



“I‘d grown up with Korea’s so called ‘presenter style’ - immaculate hair and make-up, tightly fitting formal suits and high heels,” Ms Yim, 35, tells the BBC。


“You have no choice but to play the part of the ‘beauty’, but I always felt stressed。”


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)


On the day, she sensed disapproval from some members of the newsroom。 But after her first interview with the press, many commentators applauded her choice, and she decided to persist。


What Ms Yim didn‘t predict was how her story might still resonate with women all over the world a year on。


“Thanks for breaking the invisible taboo - I was motivated by you and finally have the courage to wear glasses after many years,” one woman recently posted on Ms Yim‘s social media account。


Even South Korean airline Jeju has followed suit, lifting its ban on glasses for its female stewards。


An entire movement called ‘escape the corset’ has caught on in South Korea, with women shaving their hair and going without make-up to challenge received beauty ideals。


“When I dropped the pressure of having to be ‘beautiful’, I discovered who I really am,” says Ms Yim。


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)


(Via BBC)



(Via BBC)

Virgin Atlantic spokesman Mark Anderson said: “Not only do the new guidelines offer an increased level of comfort, they also provide our team with more choice on how they want to express themselves at work。”


British Airways dropped its no-trouser rule for women in 2016, although it still requires female crew to wear make-up。


Virgin Atlantic removes cabin crew make-up rule (via BBC)



(via BBC)

今年43岁的安娜·保拉·达席尔瓦(Ana Paula da Silva),是巴西南部圣卡塔琳娜州新当选的议员。今年2月1日,她在议会宣誓就职。然而,她在就职仪式上的着装,一件红色的深V连体衣,在巴西引起轩然大波。

“I tried on hundreds of clothes。 Nothing worked。 Until I found the red pantsuit,” she tells the BBC。


The photos of Ana Paula‘s speech that day went viral, but not because of its contents。 She got home that night to find an avalanche of messages on social media。


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)


“I keep looking at this picture and thinking: ‘What is wrong with my clothes?’ I don‘t think it was inappropriate because my clothes are in accordance with the protocol。”


The protocol of Brazil‘s parliament states that women should not wear skirts or dresses shorter than above the knee and that men should never wear shorts。 But the rules say nothing about cleavage。


“I spent my whole life holding myself back, doing things I didn‘t want to do because that was what society expected from me。 I spent so many years wearing clothes I didn’t like because they were what my husband approved of。 But after my divorce, I realised it was time to be myself,” she says。


“If it was a man with his shirt unbuttoned for such a ceremony, nothing like this would have happened。 Maybe a few comments saying he should have worn better clothes。 But nobody would make personal judgments, or say he is a hustler, or doubt his character。


“People never admit they are sexist, but this episode shows the sexism that is still hidden in society。”


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)


2018年10月,苏丹女歌手莫娜·玛吉·萨利姆(Mona Magdi Salim)被苏丹公共秩序警察逮捕,原因是人们在社交媒体上分享了她在喀土穆一场音乐会上穿裤子演唱的照片。

Ms Salim would have likely been sentenced to ‘not more than 40 lashes, a fine, or both’, according to Sudanese law。 But the court suspended her case。


People have also fallen foul of the law for not wearing a hijab, or for having a particular hair style, or for wearing make-up。


But critics have described the law as particularly oppressive towards women。


Despite existing for 28 years, the law does not specifically define what indecent dressing is, leaving its interpretation to the judgement of the public order police and prosecutors。


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)



苏丹的记者和人权活动家们努力了很多年,希望引起人们对这项法律的关注。但直到2009年,记者兼前联合国雇员卢布娜·侯赛因(Lubna Ahmed Hussein)由于穿长裤而在喀土穆的一间咖啡厅里遭到逮捕,才引起了全球的关注。

侯赛因举着一张标语上面写道:“知道你的权利,这样你就不被压迫”(via BBC)

For her court hearing, Ms Hussein chose to wear the same clothes she was arrested in。


“Unfortunately before my case many women who were victims were silent because society itself would not stand in solidarity with them,” Ms Hussein tells the BBC。


“After my case, because international media carried the story, I had the support of women and human rights defenders to [help people realise] that the women who had been arrested under the law were not actually criminals but victims。”


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)


(Via BBC)


It wasn‘t about fashion。 It wasn’t about expression。 It wasn‘t even that the smock was uncomfortable。


“It was that we were required to wear it but boys weren‘t,” Siwar Tebourbi, now 20, tells the BBC。

“只是因为女生被要求穿,而对男生却没有要求,”现年20岁的Siwar Tebourbi告诉BBC。

“In our final year of high school some of us stopped wearing it,” Ms Tebourbi says。


One day, a few weeks after Ms Tebourbi and her friends had dropped the smock, a supervisor warned the schoolgirl that she was at risk of expulsion。 She and her friends mobilised。


Around 70 girls and boys of Pioneer High School came to school the next day - 30 November 2017 - wearing white T-shirts with the words “No Discrimination” on them。


They called their campaign ‘Manish Lab-setha’ - ‘I won’t wear it。‘


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)





居住在丹麦的Sarah Ali就是这么一位坚持在公共场合戴着面罩的穆斯林女性。

“There are only 30-50 women in Denmark who wear the niqab,” she tells the BBC。 “Most of us are very active in local communities。 Now they want to punish us for basically dressing。”


Denmark has followed the lead of other European countries, such as France and Belgium, in banning clothing which obscures the face。 The law prohibits any face coverage, with the exception of “reasonable” cases。 Otherwise, the fine is 1,000 Danish Krone ($150)。


The Wardrobe of Rebellion (via BBC)

日本小镇353人用汤匙传递生鸡蛋 创吉尼斯世界纪录 美副总统与约旦国王讨论双边关系与地区问题