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Chinese web novels find fans in Thailand, inspire cosplay

According to a 2018 report on the development of Chinese web novels from Yuewen, a major Chinese online literature platform, more than14 million unique visitors have used their overseas site Webnovel in last year.

阅文集团是中国最大的网络小说平台之一。根据其2018年的网络文学发展报告显示,它的海外平台Webnovel 去年一年便有1400万 的访问量。

According to the Yuewen report, Chinese web novels first got their foot in the door to overseas markets by selling the copyrights to local publishers, after which overseas platforms were established by Chinese companies so they could export this type of literature on their own. The influence of Chinese web novels has become so great, that some writers outside of China have started to produce their own original stories inspired by Chinese online literature.




With great satisfaction, Nichapat Thonnaratana, a 24-year-old editorial assistant in Bangkok, shared her new cosplay photos she took recently at a local studio on her Facebook account. In one picture, Thonnaratana, dressed in a men's white Hanfu (the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group) with embroidered light blue clouds on the shoulders, peaks thoughtfully at a wine jar held in her right hand.


24岁的Nichapat Thonnaratana 是在曼谷工作的一位编辑助理,她把自己在当地一家照相馆新拍的中国网络小说人物造型的照片,分享到了她的脸书账号。


Thonnaratana was cosplaying asLan Wangji , the main character in the Chinese web novel Modao Zushi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation). When she heard that the studio was known for taking amazing shots of the characters from the novel, Thonnaratana became very excited and decided to go take pictures with her friend.

Thonnaratana扮演的人物是中国网络小说《魔道祖师》的主要人物之一的蓝忘机 。

A fan of Chinese web novels for nearly seven years, she told the Global Times that she is not alone as

more young Thai people than ever before are reading literature from China nowadays.



Mai, a freelancer translator who just finished translating two Chinese web novels for a newly established publisher, thinks thatcultural differences are the main obstacles when it comes to translation.

Mai是一名从事翻译的自由职业者,目前刚刚完成了两部中国网络小说的翻译工作。她认为,翻译中最主要的困难就是文化差异 。

"It's difficult to find Thai counterparts for many Chinese words, metaphors and jokes," she explained.


She said she was surprised to find that there were so many Chinese expressions dedicated to praising a woman's beauty and quickly discovered that the Thai language lacked equivalent words that conveyed the same meanings as the Chinese.



Raz Mey, a master graduate with duel degrees in English and international relations who also holds a bachelor degree in Chinese, says she enjoys reading these works because they help her better understand Chinese culture, such as how ancient Chinese carried out wedding ceremonies and the meaning behind traditional arts such as paper-cutting or rituals carried out during festivals.

Raz Mey, 本科学习汉语,拥有英语和国际关系的双硕士学位。她告诉环球时报的记者,阅读中国网络小说可以更好地了解中国文化,比如中国古代的人如何举行婚礼、传统艺术和习俗背后的意义。

Mey told the Global Times that she actually prefers to buy thepaper versions of Chinese web novels

. She noted that she has so many books that she barely has room for them at her place anymore.

Mey 说自己喜欢购买纸质版的中国网络小说 ,她有许许多多的小说书籍,以至于房间里都快放不下啦。


以总理被指受贿诈骗或遭起诉 料将影响下个月大选 一支鲜花的南洋之旅