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Wake up at 1 p.m。, start training, take a short break at 7 p.m。, and then continue training till 3 a.m。 or 5 a.m。 the next morning。 This is the daily routine for Li Yuanhao, a professional video gamer, a new type of job that didn‘t exist 10 years ago。



“I started playing video games when I was five,”Li recalled,“I found I can easily get a better score than others。”


In 2012, he began to play LoL, or League of Legends, one of the world‘s most popular video games, released by American company Riot Games in 2009。 The next year, he became one of the game’s top-rated players in China。



《英雄联盟》是一款多人竞技类游戏,由美国拳头游戏(Riot Games)于2009年开发,在世界上拥有数以亿计的玩家和三大世界级电竞赛事季中冠军赛、全球总决赛以及All Star全明星赛。2018年,《英雄联盟》作为表演项目登上雅加达亚运会。

“It was then I realized I can make a living out of gaming,”the 21-year-old told CGTN。“在那个时候我就意识到了,我是有打职业的天赋的,”这位21岁的队长告诉CGTN。


But the decision to drop out of school to play games was quickly met with fierce opposition from his parents, who viewed it as a bizarre lifestyle, especially for Li, who was 16-years-old at the time。


To persuade his parents, the young teen made a bold move。 He ran away from home for two months to prove he could live on his own– an act he now calls“a bit extreme。” Eventually, he joined a professional team in 2014 and began his gaming career。



Five years after that, Li became a LoL pro player for RNG(Royal Never Give Up), a video game club in China。 Furthermore, he and his team members, together with gamers from two other pro teams, FunPlus Phoenix and Invictus Gaming– which won the 2018 League of Legends World Championship– are representing China in the 2019 LoL World Championship held in Europe。 Known as Xiaohu among gamers, Li is familiar amongLoL fans。 And his parents‘ view towards his career path has now changed。



同时参赛的还有另外两只中国战队,分别为趣加电子竞技俱乐部(FPX FunPlusPhoenix)和Invictus Gaming(IG)。其中,IG去年在韩国仁川举办的英雄联盟S8全球总决赛上一举夺冠,为中国拿到了第一个全球总决赛的冠军。



“They never miss any competition I attend。 Sometimes, they play video games themselves when they‘re tired,” said Li。

“比赛的话他们基本上每场都会看,有什么大型比赛也会来现场。他们现在也经常自己在电脑上玩些游戏来缓解一下自己的疲劳。”The story of Li Yuanhao comes with the boom of e-sports in the past decade。 As a branch of video game culture, e-sports refers to a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, most by professional gamers。 The industry of e-sports though, started quite early with the first video game competition“the Spacewar” held at Stanford University in 1972。 Since then, it has gone through tremendous growth until late 2000s and early 2010s, thanks in-part to the popularity of online streaming services。



电子竞技(Electronic Sports)即电子游戏比赛达到“竞技”层面的体育项目。比赛中,多位职业选手组成团队,利用高科技软硬件设备作为运动器械,进行人与人之间的智力对抗运动。




A report by Tencent, China‘s largest gaming company, suggests there were 390 million esports users worldwide in 2017。 China alone accounts for more than 64 percent。


The growth shows no signs of slowing。 Market research firm Newzoo estimates that global e-sports economy will top 1 billion U.S。 dollars for the first time in 2019, with a year-on-year growth of more than 26.7 percent, and it is expected to reach 1.8 billion U.S。 dollars by 2022; 3.2 billion U.S。 dollars is a more optimistic projection。 Meanwhile, thanks to its huge fan base, China is expected to generate revenues of 210.3 million U.S。 dollars in 2019, overtaking Western Europe as the second-largest region in terms of revenue, just after North America, with an estimated 409.1 million U.S。 dollars。


“I would say e-sports is the fastest growing business in China,” says Leo Lin, co-CEO of TJ Sports, a joint venture between Riot Games and Tencent, which operates the professional LoL competitions in China。

“电竞已成为中国发展最快的的行业,”腾讯与拳头游戏成立的合资公司腾竞体育(TJ Sports)联席CEO林松说道。


All this number and rising players tell a simple story: After years of isolation, e-sports is finally emerging from its niche。







新京报评女大学生李心草之死:愿真相早日水落石出 看过这些点燃国庆档的大片就知道:火是有道理的