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一名美国缅因州的母亲Kimberly Nelliganzan周三被捕。为了让孩子尽快入睡,她一共给一岁女儿喂食了十几次小剂量的海洛因,最终导致婴儿的死亡。

Authorities charged Kimberly Nelligan, 33, with child endangerment and possession of drugs after they say she rubbed heroin residue on the child‘s gums at least 15 times over the course of two months before her death on Oct。 10, 2018。

Kimberly Nelliganzan的孩子2018年10月10日去世。当局以危害儿童和藏匿毒品罪名指控了33岁的Nelliganzan。Nelliganzan在她孩子死亡的前两个月内,至少15次用海洛因擦拭孩子的牙龈。

Nelligan initially told police that she had never used heroin, but later admitted that she snorted the drug from small baggies once a week for two months leading up to her daughter‘s death。 She also admitted that she had used the drug on her other children as a sleep aid in the past, police said。


Via FoxNews


Nelligan‘s husband told police that he witnessed her rubbing the heroin residue on their daughter’s gums about 15 times。


Via FoxNews


She was released on bail and is not permitted contact with the child‘s father nor any children under the age of 18 years old。


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“These are very serious, very difficult cases, and in some instances, the law isn’t really designed to address issues like this,” Lynch said。“If things change at some point, there is still a possibility for other charges to come forward, but at this point, these are the charges we are confident we can go forward with。”

“这类案件非常严重,判决会很复杂。在某些情况下,法律并不能解决这类问题,” Lynch说。“如果案情突然发生变化,我们可能提出其他指控,但是现在只能维持这些。”

Via FoxNews


@LadyStowe The dad saw this send he isn‘t charged also?!


@Joomnaji Death penalty。 Need to bring that back。 Eye for an eye


@Montana Resident She should be charged with murder。

@Montana Resident她应被指控犯有谋杀罪。

Via FoxNews


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