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《都挺好》今晚大结局 外媒也来围观:被惊呆了




说说看,你周围有多少小伙伴经历了“这有啥好看的 → 不屑地看两眼 → 血压直线上升 (被气的) → 根本停不下来……” 的阶段……

尤其是苏家的三个男人 ,简直令人时而咬牙切齿,时而哀其不幸。这种恰到好处的“熟悉”感,如同活生生出现在自己身边的人,让人怒完之后还有一丢丢被戳穿了的尴尬……



这不,前两天“苏家三父子”还登上了微博热搜 。

机智的淘宝卖家们在“夸跨群”之后摇身一变,推出了专门怼这爷仨的 “骂骂群” 服务 ……





The Chinese TV series

All is Wellis such a success that some people would even pay to scold the drama’s main ‘villains。’ One Taobao seller had nearly one thousand customers paying a fee this week for a special service to curse the characters they despise so much。


While the TV drama is a major hit, many fans seem to take pleasure in scolding the main characters。 On Weibo, some netizens are changing their names into some of the Su villains, allowing others to scold them。


▲Chinese ‘All is Well’ TV Drama Fans Are Paying Up to Scold the ‘Su Family Villains’(via What‘s on Weibo)




在网站mydramalist.com 上,《都挺好》的评分高达9.4 :

连外媒 也过来凑热闹了。

英国著名媒体《经济学人》 就刊登了一篇报道,围观《都挺好》:


▲中国一部热播电视剧讽刺了暴躁的老年父母(via The Economist)


It is no mean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive days and counting。 “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that。

连续20天位列微博十大热门话题之一,这绝非易事。 3月1日起在省级卫视播出的《一切都好》就做到了这一点。

▲A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents (via The Economist)




The show tellsthe story of a fictional Chinese family torn by internal conflict。 The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, is barely on speaking terms with her widowed father and one of her two brothers。 The father is a nagging crank who expects his two adult sons to bankroll his lavish tastes。 This leadsto constant bickering between the brothers, neither of whom wants to be called unfilial。

▲A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents


(图via 网络)


From “The Simpsons” to “Game of Thrones”, dramas about bickering families are common in many countries。


In China, 。。。the questioning of blind attachment to traditional values in “All is Well” is causing a stir。 Viewers are transfixed by its rare portrayal of middle-class life, warts and all。 Many Chinese can relate to the Su family’s troubles。

在中国,《都挺好》 对部分人盲目恪守某些传统价值观提出质疑,引起了轰动。该剧罕见地对中产阶级生活的酸甜苦辣进行了毫无保留的刻画,观众们都被惊呆了。 很多中国人对苏家的各种问题都感同身受。

▲A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents



@言之勿物 :苏大强其实很真实

@DEVIL曺:都挺好这剧真的看得能憋屈死人,前期被苏母气,后来被 苏家三父子气 (有段也被二嫂气),这日子刚回归正常两天,又开始赚泪点,神烦神憋屈!


@黄粱一梦写不完的温柔 :向往着苏明玉却活成了樊胜美







Beijing Daily said the drama was “unrealistic”。 It said it caricatured elderly parents by “unreasonably” ascribing “every possible bad quality” of old people to one character。


▲A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents



@離席LiXi :这个剧基本上就是把原生家庭的“恶”夸张到近乎毫无人性。


@拙木君 :有点类似咪蒙的手法,就是找个矛盾点挑逗大众的情绪, 不是很喜欢这种套路。





媒体:剑桥承认中国高考成绩 是怎么被国人误读的? 内蒙古开鲁县发生一起持枪杀人案 致5人死亡