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高通公司总裁安蒙宣布入驻微博 将携手中国合作伙伴促进5G发展

新浪科技讯 2月3日下午消息,高通公司总裁兼候任CEO Cristiano Amon发文称,很高兴入驻微博,“今年,公司将携手中国的合作伙伴,使得5G进一步发展并且更加触手可及,让先进的5G技术惠及每一个人。”

以下为高通公司总裁兼候任CEO Cristiano Amon微博全文:


Hi friends. It’s my great pleasure to join you here at the start of spring and beginning of the Chinese Lunar calendar. In this new year, our collaborations in China will continue to ensure that 5G is moving forward and becomes even more accessible, so that everyone can experience the benefits of this incredible technology. Looking forward to engaging with you all. Stay safe!

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