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比伯发文谈ChrisBrown 高调表白称爱他



十分头条新闻讯近日,比伯在社交网站上更新一条动态,并配文:“everyone wants to wait til people die To give them the credit they deserve. I’m calling it now when CB passes away after a long full life, you will miss what you had in front of you the whole time.trust me watch you will see the people who have over looked this mans talent.you need to reevaluate! Love you@chrisbrownofficial”(每个人都想在一个人死后再给他们本该得到的信誉。我现在谈起这个因为当CB度过他的漫长一生后离开时,你会错过他还在的那些日子。相信我,你们高估人类的能力了。你需要重新判断一下,爱你@chrisbrownofficial)

据悉,比伯即将在本周五(5月10日)发行与黄老板的合作新单“I Don‘t Care”。(新娱/文)

马伊琍微笑日晒美照:笑是一种态度也是一种力量 下一首《Love Yourself》?比伯黄老板新歌引期待