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China had included 253,000 unsupported children– children with parents who are unable to care for them– in a designated social security system as of the end of 2020, an official with the Ministry of Civil Affairs said on Monday。

Ni also explained the classification of the“unsupported children”, which is commonly known as“de facto orphans” if their parents are both seriously disabled or ill, in prison, in drug rehabilitation, missing or subject to other measures restricting their personal freedom, or if they have had their guardianship revoked or been repatriated(expelled) from the country, or where one parent is dead or missing and the other parent is in one of the eight outlined circumstances。


A monthly subsistence allowance of 1,140 yuan($176) is provided per child, the same amount provided to orphans, said Ni Chunxia, deputy director of the ministry‘s child welfare department, at a press conference。

Statistics show that 45.1 percent of the 253,000 unsupported children are those with one parent dead and the other missing, severely disabled or in one of the other above-mentioned circumstances, said Ni。




Ni pointed out that many cities, including Beijing and Chongqing, have rolled out projects that disburse funds for health and education for this group of children。

责任编辑:郑亚鹏 SN238

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