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美国财政部长姆努钦14日在接受美国CNBC采访时曾表示,字节跳动已承诺“将TikTok Global打造成一家总部位于美国的公司”,并提供2万个新工作岗位。

ByteDance has decided to place TikTok‘s global headquarters in the United States in order to prevent President Trump from banning the popular video app, according to a plan presented to U.S。 officials, sources told CGTN。

The plan said ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, will remain the majority shareholder of the new U.S。-headquartered company, and tech company Oracle will be a minority shareholder。

Other potential U.S。 investors, such as the world‘s largest retailer Walmart, which had launched a joint bid with Microsoft, would own a minority stake, said the plan。

People familiar with the negotiation process emphasized that specific details of the plan may change。

Independent third parties will serve as independent directors of the new company, and ByteDance will continue to control TikTok and its core algorithms。 In order to allay U.S。 concerns about“national security,” TikTok‘s U.S。 data will be stored in the U.S。, and Oracle will serve as the data service provider, the sources said。

“There‘s also a commitment to create TikTok Global as a U.S。-headquartered company with 20,000 new jobs,” Treasury SecretarySteven Mnuchinsaid on Monday in an interview with CNBC, adding that Oracle will be the trusted technology partner。

ByteDance on Monday said it willnot sellTikTok‘s U.S。 operations to Microsoft or Oracle, nor will the company give the source code to any U.S。 buyers。

On August 6, Trump issued an executive order stating that TikTok‘s U.S。 business must be sold before September 20, and threatened to block the video app in the U.S。

美国计划对台出售7项主要武器系统?台湾防务部门:系媒体自行臆测 南京供电公司:220千伏山江变电站突发故障致江北部分停电