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面对新冠肺炎 西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?




“Authoritarian,”“human rights violation,”“China-centric global recession”。。。 These keywords have been commonly seen in the western media after China ordered a lockdown in Wuhan to contain the coronavirus outbreak two months ago。


Western critics had nothing but skepticism to offer。 After all, shutting down the province of Hubei, closing shops and factories… as these measures were taken by a communist government, what else could they say?


Now, the coronavirus is officially a pandemic, steadily spreading around the world。 Italy has also decided to do the same as China, locking down the entire country。 Apart from Italy, governments across the continent have started enforcing lockdowns and are planning full border closures to prevent the spread of the virus。


The French president has also ordered a lockdown, asking people to stay home。


People in the U.K。 will face a£1,000 fine or custody for if they refuse coronavirus tests and quarantine。 Police in England and Wales are allowed to use“reasonable force” to detain people who are at risk of infecting others。


面对新冠肺炎 西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

As restrictions on people‘s movement are enforced across Europe, police in Madrid used drones to broadcast audio messages asking the public to stay indoors, just like the ones China used to administer the lockdown。 At the time, this act was called“bizarre” by many Western media outlets。


China and Europe have implemented similar measures to fight the virus, however, some western media outlets have not treated them the same。


Whatever China did was another story。


For days, China has reported zero cases outside Hubei Province。 Only a handful of imported cases have been reported, according to officials。 This proves that the measures taken by the Chinese government have been effective。 But as many governments around the world find themselves ill-prepared to deal with the outbreak, blame game politics is becoming more prevalent, especially in the United States。


While referring to the“Wuhan virus”,and the“Chinese virus” Trump has repeatedly blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic, saying that“the world is paying a very big price for what they did。”


Meanwhile, U.S。 right-wing media outlet Fox News is spreading the messages that Trump implies。


面对新冠肺炎 西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

Fox News made a big U-turn in its coverage of the outbreak。 News host Jeanine Pirro on March 7 stated that“all the talk about coronavirus being so much more deadly doesn‘t reflect reality” but a week later, she called it an“incredibly contagious and dangerous virus。”


Fox‘s change in tone was not helpful。


A survey conducted by The Economist, published on March 18, found that only 38 percent of Fox News viewers recognized the seriousness of the virus。 In addition, half of MSNBC viewers considered the virus to be serious。


面对新冠肺炎 西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

A recent editorial published by the New York Times, entitled“Trump Defends Using‘Chinese Virus’ Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism” said that“Medical historians and public health experts— including some in Mr。 Trump‘s administration— have emphasized that pandemics have no ethnicity and stressed that associating them with an ethnic group can lead to discrimination。”


面对新冠肺炎 西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

Another op-ed published by the New York Times with the headline“Three Rules for theTrumpPandemic” also said“so Donald Trump is now calling Covid-19 the‘Chinese virus。’ Of coursehe is: Racism and blaming other people for his own failures are the defining features of his presidency。 But if we‘re going to give it a nickname, much better to refer to it as the’Trump pandemic‘。”


As of today, the U.S has more than 13,000 confirmed cases。 The governor of California, the most populous state in the U.S。, has estimated that over 25.5 million residents, that‘s 56 percent of the state’s population, will get the virus。


Clearly, the Trump adminsitration‘s handling of the outbreak reveals its failure in uniting against the tragedy and rising above petty blame game politics。


There can only be one way forward in the face of a global emergency。 Double standards and indulgence will only lead to self-harm in the end。


Now is not the time for finger-pointing or debating in great detail what has already happened。 It‘s time for global cooperation in the face of a common threat。


山西22日最新通报:无新增新冠肺炎确诊病例 应勇:推动“全面阻击”转向“精准防控”、“按住暂停”转向“重启恢复”!