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▲受过良好教育的内地年轻人,对自己在香港的处境表示困惑(via SCMP)(图via Perry Tse)

▲受过良好教育的内地年轻人,对自己在香港的处境表示困惑(via SCMP)(图via Perry Tse)




(图via Global Times)

(图via Global Times)


Leon Liang,金融从业者。


“What a shame for Hong Kong,” Liang, from Shanxi province in northern China, wrote in a social media post that night。“I never imagined that such a personal assault could have happened in a city that prides itself on upholding law and order。”


“。。。things have degenerated to the stage where the righteous police have to take the blame for worsening law and order, and radical protesters can go on a rampage, vandalising public property and attacking law enforcement with some noble excuse but without punishment。”


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)




Alicia Liu,银行从业者。


For Alicia Liu, a senior banker at a Chinese investment bank and a long-term Hong Kong resident, the attack on the liaison office caused her to rethink her identity。

Alicia Liu长期居住在香港,是一名中资银行的资深从业者。对于她来说,中联办遭到暴徒袭击,让她重新思索了自己的身份认知。

“I used to think that I was a local in Hong Kong before the recent events。 But now I consider myself more a mainlander,” Liu said。


Liu said she valued the job opportunities in Hong Kong but the violent protests prompted her to think about leaving。


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)

▲暴徒冲击香港立法会(图via Global Times)

▲暴徒冲击香港立法会(图via Global Times)


Lynn Lin,人力资源


Lynn Lin, a human resources officer at one of China’s leading internet companies, said she was thinking twice about staying in Hong Kong。

Lynn Lin是国内某互联网巨头的HR,她说,自己在考虑是否还要留在香港。

“My child was born here but I don’t want her to grow up in a hostile and divided society,” Lin said。


“I would now prefer to send my child to Beijing, my hometown, where she can study in an international school and can get a broader picture about China。”


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)






Geng Chunya, president of the Hong Kong Association of Mainland Graduates and a permanent resident since 2001, is not about to leave but he has felt the hostility first hand。


“My 70-year-old father and I returned to Hong Kong after a day trip to Shenzhen in early July。 Almost as soon as my father sat down in the MTR and began to speak in Mandarin, the man next to him shouted obscenities and told my father to get out of Hong Kong,” Geng said。


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)

▲73岁的老人在香港机场被围堵(图via Global Times)

▲73岁的老人在香港机场被围堵(图via Global Times)


Jennie Liang,资产管理公司职员


“Such actions have crossed the line of freedom of expression,” said Jennie Liang, who works for an asset management company in Central and travels daily from her home in Shenzhen。“They are just selfish and egotistical。”

“这样的行为已经越过了‘言论自由’的界限,”在中环一家资产管理公司工作的Jennie Liang说。“他们(暴徒)就是自私又傲慢。”

Jennie Liang said reports of Beijing granting greater authority to Shenzhen for reforms could open the door for her。

(对于是否留在香港,)Jennie Liang表示,关于近来中央建设深圳为中国特色社会主义先行示范区的报道,可能为她打开了一扇门。

“Beijing’s plan to make Shenzhen a test-bed city for China and the world will be an important factor for me as to stay or leave Hong Kong,” she said。


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)




Lin Yuxi,私募基金经营者


Lin Yuxi from Shenzhen runs a 6 billion yuan(US$868 million) private fund out of Hong Kong, investing in mainland Chinese start-ups in pre-IPO funding rounds。

Lin Yuxi来自深圳,在香港经营着一支60亿人民币的私募基金,在pre-IPO轮投资内地的初创企业。

The political unrest of the past two months hasn’t put him off。。。His big worry is the prospect of Hong Kong having a diminished role in the Greater Bay Area as a result of the turmoil。


“Hong Kong was supposed to play a leading role in the Greater Bay Area。。。If Hong Kong’s roles were to be diminished, the question for recent arrivals like me would be: why do we bother to put up with the higher costs in this city? We might as well stay in Shenzhen, or move to Guangzhou,。。。where the cost of living, operations and everything else is cheaper anyway。” Lin said。


▲Hong Kong protests: young, educated mainland Chinese are questioning their place in the city(via SCMP)






(图via Global Times)

(图via Global Times)



当然,也有人决定留下。如耿春亚在采访中说,自己深爱着香港,也相信香港的前景并不会差。(“I love Hong Kong deeply。”“I am confident that Hong Kong’s overall prospects will not be bad。”- SCMP)






▲暴徒拆下了海港城前飘扬的国旗后,爱国爱港人士自发将国旗重新升起(图via Global Times)

▲暴徒拆下了海港城前飘扬的国旗后,爱国爱港人士自发将国旗重新升起(图via Global Times)



▲天水围警署,香港市民对警察表达感谢(图via Global Times)

▲天水围警署,香港市民对警察表达感谢(图via Global Times)




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