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中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议




中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议



There are two main approaches to developing artificial general intelligence。 One is rooted in neuroscience, and attempts to construct circuits that closely mimic the brain。 The other is grounded in computer science, and uses computers to execute machine-learning algorithms。


In this week’s issue,Luping Shiand his colleagues reveal the Tianjic chip— an electronic chip that integrates the two approaches into one hybrid platform。 The Tianjic chip has multiple functional cores that are readily reconfigurable, enabling it to accommodate both machine-learning algorithms and brain-inspired circuits。


The researchers demonstrate the potential of this approach by incorporating one of their chips into a riderless autonomous bicycle, which can self-balance, is voice controllable and can detect and avoid obstacles, all as a result of the Tianjic chip’s simultaneous processing of versatile algorithms and models。


中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议










中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议


This bike can roll over a bump on its own, staying perfectly upright。 When the man walking just behind it says“left,” it turns left, angling back in the direction it came。


It also has eyes: It can follow someone jogging several yards ahead, turning each time the person turns。 And if it encounters an obstacle, it can swerve to the side, keeping its balance and continuing its pursuit。


(via NYT)

中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议


Professor Will Stewart, chairman of the Communications Policy Panel at the Institution of Engineering and Technology, who was not involved in the study, said:‘This is a fascinating example of a multi-purpose programmable AI chip, cleverly demonstrating the many functions needed to operate a bicycle。


‘It is controlling the balance, understanding what is in front of the bicycle, and steering too。


‘It is a step forward in making AI that much more useful for our everyday lives。’


(via DailyMail)

中国类脑芯片首登《自然》封面 外媒热议

The hope is that such chips will eventually allow machines to navigate the world with an autonomy not possible today。 Existing robots can learn toopen a doorortoss a Ping-Pong ball into a plastic bin, but the training takes hours to days of trial and error。 Even then, the skills are viable only in very particular situations。 With help from neuromorphic chips and other new processors, machines could learn more complex tasks more efficiently,and be more adaptable in executing them。


“That is where we see the big promise,” said Mike Davies, who oversees Intel’s efforts to build neuromorphic chips。




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