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航母辽宁舰等将参加海上阅兵 外媒又开始酸了



ViaCui Meng/GT

ViaCui Meng/GT




机器网 www.shi-fen.com




机器网 www.shi-fen.com


Zhang’s remark came after Reuters said in a Saturday report that China“is flexing its increasingly well-equipped military muscle” through the naval celebration。


“[The PLA Navy’s] showing of these weapons and equipment so close-up to foreign counterparts indicates nothing is hidden。 This act shows that we are not hostile and that the PLA Navy’s wish to safeguard world peace and stability[is similar] with other navies around the world,” Zhang said。


A total of 32 Chinese vessels and 39 Chinese aircraft will be a part of the parade, said Qiu Yanpeng, deputy commander of the PLA Navy, at a press conference held ahead of the anniversary on Saturday, China Central Television reported。


Aircraft carrier Liaoning, new nuclear-powered submarines, new destroyers and aircraft will participate in the fleet review。 Some vessels will make their public debut, Qiu said。


The warships will form into six groups during the fleet review: a submarine group, a destroyer group, a frigate group, an amphibious landing ship group, an auxiliary ship group and an aircraft carrier group, Qiu revealed。


Ten aircraft formations in the parade will include an early warning aircraft formation, a reconnaissance aircraft formation, an anti-submarine aircraft formation, a bomber formation, a fighter formation, an aircraft carrier-based fighter formation and a vessel-based helicopter formation。


More than 10 countries including Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and India will also send about 20 naval vessels including destroyers, frigates and amphibious landing vessels to join the parade。


More than 60 countries from five continents will send naval delegations, with more than 30 of them featuring major naval leaders, Qiu said。


While the fleet review will be held on April 23, the whole celebration event will be from April 22 to 25, featuring other activities including high-level seminars, joint military music performances, and cultural and military exchanges。


Qiu also said it is essential to build a strong navy because China was invaded more than 470 times from the sea, which caused deep suffering in the Chinese nation。


By comparison, the PLA Navy has never caused any war, turbulence or unsettlement anywhere in the world, Qiu said。


China is determined to pursue peaceful development and will never pursue hegemony, Qiu said。


文字记者:GuoYuandan in Qingdao and LiuXuanzun in Beijing

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